GARTHE Immobilienbewertungsgesellschaft m.b.H. Register jurisdiction: Amtsgericht Fürth/Bay. Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (VAT identification number) according to §27a of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG, Sales Tax Law): DE259403178 Additional references: This document was created and is updated with technology from janolaw AG.
Heroldsberger Str. 23
90562 Kalchreuth
Phone: 0911 3226472
Fax: 0911 56924472
E-Mail: info@immobilien-gutachter.online
Internet: https://immobilien-gutachter.online
GARTHE Immobilienbewertungsgesellschaft m.b.H. is represented by: Thomas H. Garthe
Commercial Register
Registration number: HR 11579
Image Sources
Dollar Photo Club: @pict rider | @Coloures-pic | @Nick Freund | @Eisenhans | @conejota | @Chlorophylle | @Coloures-pic | @dessauer | @Jakub Jirsk